IPL Photorejuvenation
In Naperville, IL
What results should I expect?
If you are a candidate for Photorejuvenation, you may see results even after the first treatment. Your age spots/freckling should fade and your pore size will begin to get smaller. Over time, fine line and wrinkles will become more subtle as the collagen is stimulated. If you suffer from rosacea, you will see a progressive decrease in redness with every treatment.
What will recovery be like?
Many women do not experience any discomfort. Because it is a light based system, there may seem to be some skin flushing immediately after the procedure but will often resolve within 24 hours. To minimize any post treatment erythema, your Medical Aesthetician or Nurse will use some of our customized facial products to encourage a healthy result.
How many treatments will I need?
After your FREE consultation, our Medical Aestheticians will recommend a skin care program that will get you the results you desire. Treatments can take up to 30 minutes or longer depending on the areas being treated. Depending on the area treated, most clients need a series of approximately five to six treatments spaced out over 3 week intervals.
Do these treatments hurt?