CryoFacial Naperville

CryoFacial & Frotox Benefits!

CryoFacial Naperville

CryoFacial Naperville IL Dcoctors and other Medical providers use cryotherapy to treat a range of medical conditions. However, this therapy also has some useful cosmetic benefits.  CryoFacials otherwise know as Frotox can improve the skin health and appearance with no chemicals or other invasive procedures.

What Are CryoFacials or Frotox?

Cryofacials use cold therapy to rejuvenate and improve the skin. They harness the power of vaporized CO2. During a treatment, your therapist applies a targeted high velocity CO2 spray  to your face. Your face is exposed to very low temperatures during each session. However, each treatment only takes a few minutes, so the cold feeling you get during the Frotox application isn’t too uncomfortable.  Most patients even enjoy the cool feeling

As the CO2  comes into contact with your skin, it works on your blood vessels, making them temporarily constrict and tighten up.  This process, known as vasoconstriction, starts the beneficial effects of your CryoFacial.  As your skin warms up, it goes through a vasodilation process to bring warm blood back to these cold areas.  The fresh surge of blood carrying nutrients and other healing components goes to work to rejuvenate and bring health back to the skin.

Cryofacials are very beneficial for skin health and when done in a series can be very beneficial for the overall appearance and can dramatically change the elasticity and hydration of the skin.

What Are the Advantages of Cryofacials?

While some people book cryofacials as a luxury, these facials also have a range of clinical benefits that elevate them over other skincare treatments.

Skin Tightening & Lifting

As your face is exposed to the targeted Cryo Spray, the blood vessels contract before expanding again as your body counteracts the coldness on your skin. This contraction and expansion cycle tightens the skin. It can even begin to lift minor sagging. Cryofacials also give you a collagen boost that helps further tighten the skin. Collagen is a useful protein that helps maintain skin elasticity and tightness.

However, your body won’t necessarily naturally produce enough collagen as skin ages to keep it elastic and firm. So as you get older, your skin won’t be as taut and smooth as it was when you were younger. Cryofacials stimulate collagen production, and your skin will look smoother and younger after your treatment. Fine wrinkles and lines are often reduced and become less visible.

Pore Reduction

If you feel that the pores on your face are large and visible, then you might be self-conscious about them. A cryofacial can help temporarily close your pores and make them look less obvious. When your blood vessels constrict during your facial, your pores will appear to close and get smaller. Your skin will look smoother for a while after your treatment.

Improved Overall Skin Health

When blood flushes back into your blood vessels during your treatment, it gives the surface of your skin a circulation boost. Warm blood will become concentrated in the area. This has a range of beneficial effects. For example, red, puffy, and inflamed skin will have a better tone and become less swollen after a cryofacial. Increased blood circulation also delivers more oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells, so they get an additional health boost.

Happy Vibes & Mood Enhancement

You’ll get a real energy and mood boost when you see the positive effects on your skin after your facial. However, this mood boost goes deeper than you think. When you expose yourself to cold, your body releases endorphins. These chemicals counteract the shock that cold gives your body. They make you feel relaxed and happy. So after a cryofacial, you’ll feel really good for a while. You get a burst of natural stress-busting chemicals.

If you’re interested in finding out more about CryoFacial at our Naperville CryoFacial Clinic, then contact Fusion Med Spa today  Our trained and expert team can tell you more about this treatment and the positive effects it will have on your skin.